Monday, February 14, 2011

Grace in confusion

Sometimes I get very frustrated when I feel as if nothing is happening. You know that limbo feeling when you feel you have done everything you can to create an end result and you don't see it. Well, it leaves me with a sense of confusion which often leads to frustration and then despair.
   I read something the other day that I have been pondering since I have recently found myself in a situation that has taxed my nervous system and left me feeling anxious and at a crossroads. Confusion can be a gift. I have been thinking about this ever since I read it. I had never viewed confusion as anything more than a punishment. The idea that it is a gift makes complete sense, since I do believe that there are opportunities and treasures to be found in everything we encounter in life. It comes down to opening the mind and soul and stepping outside of our perspective in order to see it and then embrace it.
   This small sentence, this sentiment and belief about confusion has lifted the timeline off my shoulders. As I was telling my husband over the weekend, I tend to be an end result person. It's not easy for me to experience and enjoy the process since I always feel like everything has to be done yesterday. As long as it's done. I habitually ignore how we got there. Which I think allows me to miss out on so much.
   So just for today, I am going to sit with my confusion, knowing that it allows me to stay here right now. At some point when I have all the information I need and the timing is right, I trust that I will know what to do. And I will have the courage and confidence to do it.

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