Friday, February 4, 2011

Cairo Update

I finally heard back, via email, from my former student who lives in Cairo. I have asked her to keep me updated. This is part of her email to me:
      "The government asked all the citizens to stay at home from 5 pm till 7 am the following day, so we don't go to work or move except for emergencies and this is boring. There wasn't any Internet connection for the last 5 days so I checked my email just now. I got married in May 2010 but I live in the same apartment at the same building where my parents live, i didn't want to be away from them as they are old aged.We are praying now that things improve in Egypt."
       While "bored" isn't the optimum way to spend her day, I am just relieved she isn't in danger or scared to death. Having spent time in Cairo, which is a huge city, I am stunned by the images I see in the media. My family and I were there just a few years ago, walked the streets, traveled through all the familiar parts of the city, and broke bread with those who live there. It has made this more than just a news story for me.

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