I grew up Catholic, so I am used to not eating meat on Fridays during Lent. Never a fish lover, I always cringed at the thought of fish sticks and tartar sauce--my mother's Friday dinner staple. Little did we Catholics know then that our simple act of abstaining from meat was having a fairly big impact on the environment.
The production of meat at the agribusiness level takes it heavy toll on our environment. According to the Environmental Working Group, "if we Americans skipped meat and cheese just one day a week for a year, we’d cut carbon emissions as much as taking 7.6 million cars off the road would."
That's pretty impressive. EWG is also launching it's Meatless Monday campaign, which I heartily endorse and have signed a pledge to fulfill. It's easy for me because I can count on one hand how many times a month we actually eat any type of meat.
While I am not a card-carrying vegan, I am environmentally sensitive. And through the personal changes I have made to my own diet and my standard of living, I have to tell you, my health has improved exponentially. And when I say health, I mean the whole enchilada--body, mind and spirit.
If you want to take the pledge, click here.
To sign up for my daily GoErie.com blog, click here.
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