Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Laziness, not necessity, is the mother of invention

Contrary to the popular saying, I have found in most cases, it has been my own laziness that has prompted me to create some new way of doing something. This has evidenced itself in my kitchen, when lacking several ingredients for a recipe, I have improvised because I simply didn't want to make the effort to get in my car and drive the two miles to the grocery story. I have also noticed this tendency when I sew, often using blunt needles or off-colored thread to mend pants and socks, arguing to myself that no one sees the hemline of a pair of pants, anyway.
   Today, I discovered that my inherent laziness could very well revolutionize the way I iron my clothes. Granted, ironing is the one domestic chore I don't despise, but in order to do it right, I have to get out my board, haul out all the necessities, including the iron, starch, spray bottle, stain remover and then clear the space to set up shop.
   Noticing the dress pants I pulled out my closet had an annoying, off-center crease and a couple of obvious wrinkles thanks in part to my overstuffed closet which collapses all my clothes into a small cramped space, I sighed. I didn't want to have to go through my ironing ordeal just for a 30 second job. Walking into the bathroom, I spied my flattening iron, plugged in and ready to roll. I use it to flatten my bangs, dutifully following instructions from my hairdresser and striving to be hip
   "Hmm. I bet I could use this to re-crease my pant legs," I thought, patting myself on the back for being so clever. And guess what? It worked. A few prolonged moments pinched in between the hot prods of the hair flattening iron, and viola! The old crinkles were pressed sharp and crisp. A rare genius moment for me. And it has got me thinking of how I can use it to iron my husband dress shirts.

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