Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another day in paradise

Now I get it. As a kid, I never did. Except for snowstorms and sunny, bright days--depending on which, it meant a fun day of sledding or splashing at the beach--I never paid much mind to what was going on with the weather. I don't remember it affecting me. Never understood my grandparents and parents lament about the dreariness of winter and the sogginess of spring. Who cared what was going on outside?
   Now I do. Like most of my friends, the first thing I do each morning is check on what the weather is going to do. These long transitional days of early spring now grind on my nerves like tinfoil on mercury fillings. The overhang of low-lying clouds and lack of warmth is just plain unattractive. And though I know how lovely Mother Nature is when lush with green and speckled with color, right now, she is looking pretty haggard and worn out. And if I let it, she can mirror how I feel.
   But enough of that. It's just so ironic how one's perceptions change the older one gets. Seeing the sun, though taken for granted on so many summer days, would be a miracle. I guess I'll just snuggle up to my space heater, keep a watchful eye from my window and be comforted by the truth that the sun is there. It's just hiding.

PS If you would be so kind, please click on the Facebook badge and hit like. It helps that page grow and I will be posting upcoming speaking events on it for the summer and fall.

1 comment:

  1. I actually ate an ice cream slushie at the Dairy Supreme in Edinboro last night huddled around my family members (some of whom sat in the car) and smiled despite feeling just as frozen as my dessert. There's definitely something to be said about knowing what weather is to come and you've put to words how I've been feeling the past month! Sooo ready for warmth.
